What happens when famillionaire appears? It can be said that something is indicated there that we experience as a perspective opening out towards meaning; something tends to emerge from it that is ironical, even satirical, also something that is less evident, but which develops we might say, in the after-effects of the phenomenon, in what is going to be propagated from here into the world as a consequence. It is a type of emergence of an object, that itself tends rather in the direction of the comical, of the absurd, of the nonsensical.
Lacan’s Seminar 5: The Formations of The Unconscious, page 16
“And”, cried Hirsch-Hyacinth, “he treated me quite famillionairely”.
It is at this point that Freud pauses and goes on to ask very acutely: What is this? A neologism? A slip of the tongue? A witticism? It is certainly a witticism, but the fact that I could ask the other two questions already introduces us into an ambiguity, into the signifier, into the unconscious … and in fact what is Freud going to tell us? We recognize in it the mechanism of condensation materialized in the material of the signifier, a sort of collision, with the help of some machine or other, between two lines of the signifying chain: “Solomon Rothschild treated me quite familiarly” (familiär), and then beneath it – Freud too constructs a signifying schema – there is “millionaire (Millionär)”, and thus there is ar in both, and also mil. They are condensed, and in the interval there appears “famillionaire” (famillonär).
Lacan’s Seminar 5: The Formations of The Unconscious, page 12
neologism against neoliberalism
world crumbling piece by piece witness is our silent screens
Inhabitants of Kadıköy, being attacked for going out to street to speak their brotherhood to a young one dead; beautiful people turning good old Bars’ Street into Barricades’ Street; masked young women collecting garbage scattered to street after policemen leave; auntie saying “Build a barricade dear, build a barricade”; taxi drivers becoming angry with TOMA* that was painted in yellow; stray dogs fleeing from police bombs along with resistors; neighbor that recommends heavy lifters of barricade to “break their knees”; considerate citizens that stroll around streets to pick up injured cats; shop windows broken by pressurized water from TOMA; beautiful ferries rallying at all times when they go, when they come; mosquitoes swarming in houses to flee poison thrown; uncle answering resistor’s shout “Open doors” by saying “All is open”; and all Kadıköy people that open their doors to owners of streets, god bless you…
*TOMA = Toplumsal Olaylara Müdahale Aracı = Vehicle to Intervene in Social Events
from turkish article by çağdaş günerbüyük in evrensel: